Energion Publications

When the Casseroles Are Gone


The Faith Community’s Response to Grief

How can a church community respond effectively to the needs of those who have suffered loss? This is a practical guide.


Author: Daniel Dixson

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We often hear about the role of individuals in responding to grief, but what is the role of the faith community? Can we respond in a planned and effective way as a community in supporting those among us who are dealing with loss?

Dan Dixson, pastor, counselor, and consultant with extensive experience in dealing with grief and managing programs with a community perspective, believes that the community can and should play an important role, and that we should train for, plan for, and organize for an effective response. Only in this way can we be sure that we will provide the best possible support to the many people who are dealing with loss in our communities.

In this book, Dr. Dixson starts from the time when the loss occurs and guides the reader through the process through that continued care that is necessary. Each chapter presents the situation clearly and outlines responses.

This book does provide a framework, but in addition, it provides guidance for specific actions. It doesn’t just point out the needs. With each need it provides practical, actionable suggestions for how the community can respond.

Pastors and church leaders will benefit from this work, but it is also useful for congregational, small group, and individual studies. Each person is called to this important service to one another.


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